June Fishing Report

FISH SAMOA REPORT June - July 2016
Another terrific month of fishing has seen the continuation of a solid yellowfin run and an ongoing increase in the size and numbers of mahi mahi and wahoo being landed. The best fishing has been had strait out the front of Apia and over the second drop off wide of Solo Solo. Here, Capt Loota has reported yellowfin tuna to 60kg have been landed on the change of tide as they chomp their way through large schools of flying fish and whitebait. There have also been good sized mahi landed on the fringes with fish to 15kg being common. Sailfish have also been in the mix. Blue marlin have been on the chew over the seamounts east of Asau, with the Kiwi boats (Braveheart & Because) remaining to fish on after our international tournament tagging multiple fish. Closer inshore along the fringing reef edges wahoo and Spanish makerel have been biting in very good numbers with Spaniards from 10kg to 20kg being the norm.
As we move into July the good fishing will continue. The numbers and size of both mahi mahi and wahoo will increase steadily. Dog tooth tuna will be biting on the seamounts and blue marlin will become a more constant bite as they chase schools of juvenile skipjack along the north and south coasts of the islands.
Tight Lines
Capt Greg “Hoppo” Hopping – www.fishsamoa.com