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Andy & Andy Go Troppo

A few days ago, the weather came good and we managed to get the two Andy's out and onto a couple of good fish. With glassy conditions in the morning, we decided to give Andy a chance to pop and release his first GT. After a dozen or so casts from the bow of PI there was a delighted exclamation of WOHA from Andy as a soild GT hit his popper and headed for the reef. Andy found out real quick what I meant when I said "show the fish no mercy, you have to stay strong and show him who's the boss". After a brutal 10min fight he finally had the fish at the boat where Tautua used the grips to secure the fish and pass him to Andy for a couple of quick pics before the mighty GT was released to fight another day. It was a hot day, so we paked the casting gear away and headed wide for a marlin. It wasn't long before the Green Lizard running on the long corner was engulfed by a hungry black marlin. Andy jumped in the chair and started putting the Shimano 80W through its paces. It wasn't a big fish, so it was only a matter of minutes before he had the beautiful fish to the boat and it was tagged by Penn and released by Tautua in good condition. Andy & Andy were wrapped. One Andy had released his first GT and the other Andy had released his first marlin. Well done boys and nice one Team Troppo. Not a bad mornings fishing...Oh Yeah!


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