Julian Loves Casting Poppers & Targeting GT's
A couple of days ago we had the opportunity to take Julian casting for GT's. He has popped them all over the world and came to Samoa on a popping mission. The weather was perfect for sight fishing and casting poppers and swim baits , so I headed to our inshore marks, over shallow reef not far from Apia. As we approached, scchools of fusiliers were breaking the surface while being attacked by all number of toothy critters including sharks, barracudda, spanish mackerel. red bass. Hopefully a GT was amoungst them. Julian cam to Samoa all the way from France. His whole trip was about popping a Smoan GT. For the previous few days he had been land based, casting poppers of the rocks. He had landed and released plenty of fish including a solid black tip shark, (see pic), but the mighty GT had eluded him. Today, casting from the bow of Pure Indulgence would be different. After only getting follows from pretenders ove the fiirst two bombies, Julian swapped his lure to a swim bait as I moved the boat a few hundred meters to another pinicale in slightly deeper water. Schools of bait were all over it. As I gently idled the boat twoards them Julian cast his swim bait just beyond the school and started to work it back through the middle and over the bombie. WHAM.. the water exploded as an angry GT nailed the swim bait. Playing the fish hard and keeping the fish off the reef Julian soon had it to the back of the boat for a quick pic and a successful release. Then over the next 30 or 40 casts Julian managed to land and release two more GT's and a Red Bass by popping and swimming his lures. Mission accomplished, Julian had got his Samoan GT's. The exhausted smile on his face tells the story. Well done mate, popping GT's is always heaps of fun and we love doing it just like you...Yee Ha!