Hamish and his FIRST'S
With the continuation of strong to extreme easterly trade winds hitting Samoa, it has been hard to get out fishing. Hamish was patient and lucky. After his initial half day charter having to be cancled, he hung in there and eventually we got him out a few days later. We could not go wide, so we hit our inshore marks and by staying in the lee of the island the sea was manageable and we found a few fish. One was a whopping Spanish mackerel. This was Hamish's first spaniard. After a blistering run it had Hamish stretched hard as he fought the big fish on light gear. After a couple more long runs and plenty of sweat he had the fish at the boat where Tautua sunk the gaff and hauled it aboard. What a RIPPER! We continued on trolling the the edge of the reef and found a couple of smaller fish. Then as we were headed back into the harbour "whak" as a solid fish nailed the XWrap running on the short shottie. The fight was on again with Hamish landing a solid Dogtooth Tuna a few minutes later. Yep, another first! Well done mate..that ended up a top mornin's fishing. Yee Ha!