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Aussie Doctors Go Troppo


On Tuesday, Chris and Jarrod, a couple of Aussie Navy sailors who are here training the Samoa Maritime Police brought along four Aussie doctors who are volunteering up at the hospital. They had never been game fishing, so our mission was to put the four of them on their first big fish and coach them to land it. After departing Apia Marina we steamed for an hour out to the 1000m line and set the spread. With all the lures running well in a choppy sea, it wasn't long before the JB Micro Dingo on the long rigger was smashed by a nice sized mahi cow and Monica was on the rod fighting her first big fish. With good coaching from Jarrod and Tautua it wasn't long before she had the fish at the boat and with Tautua on the gaff it was quickly on the deck and in the cooler.

We were quickly back on the troll and now working the 2000m line when bang, the JB Little Chopper running on the short rigger was smashed by another mahi mahi. It was Ash's turn on the rod and she sreamed with excitement when the fish jumped as she played it to the boat.

After a quick pic, we were quickly back on the troll when I noticed a small group of Black Noddies circling a couple of hundred metres in front of the boat. As we approached..WHACK..the Pakula Cockroach running in the shotgun position was monstered by a good size yellowfin tuna. This time Drew took the rod and after a good fight the solid yellowfin was at the gaff and in the cooler.

Quickly I came around for another run over the same mark and as we came over it Bang.. The JB Micro Dingo was hit again, this time by another yellowfin tuna. Miranda took the rod and did a top job fighting the fish to the boat.

As we headed back to the marina their were big smiles all around. The doctors were all delighted with their game fishing experience as Chris and Jarrod planned their next Troppo Trip. Well done Team.. Mission Accomplished..


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