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Yellowfin Tuna continue to patrol the waters strait out the front of Apia, with all charters returning with solid fish. A few days ago Randy, Tatua and I had a charter cancel on us, so we ducked out the front to catch some fresh sushimi for our Christmas festivities. Wow, within minutes of setting our spread, a double hookup. With Randy on the first fish and Tautua on the second, the fish had no chance and it wasn't long before I put the boat into Auto pilot, slid down the flybridge ladder to helped the boys out on the deck and we had both fish onboard.

Off we go again and 5mins later BANG another solid hit on the baby Dingo running on the long rigger. With Randy on the rod, 50mins later a 55kg YFT was on the deck.

With three good yellows in the bin it was debateable wether we keep fishing, but since it was Christmas and fresh fish in demand we set the spread again. You got it, 10 mins later Whack, Bang, Bang, a tripple strike..Whoa, the Pakula Phantom on the shottie, the JB Dingo on the rigger and the Mini Mould Craft running on the short shottie all went off similtaneaously. Leaving the big fish on the shootie to run long and deep, we worked on the fish closest to the boat first. They were soon on the deck. Then Randy fought the third fish and 40mins later it too was in the bin.

Holy Moley, what a session. That's it, we headed home, totally stuffed and as "Happy as Larry".

CHEERS GANG, we hope you all had a RIPPER CHRISSY on the fish to. ..TEAM TROPPO


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